High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is normally asymptomatic in the majority of individuals and is found in roughly 43-50 million Americans nationwide. It is broken down into three separate categories, mild (systolic: 90-99/diastolic: 140-159mmHg), moderate (systolic:100-109/diastolic: 160-179mmHg) and severe (systolic: 110-119/diastolic: 180-209mmHg).
Commonly, genetics is a major player in those individuals between the ages of 20-55 years of age. Secondary causes such as estrogen use, renal disease, Cushing’s disease, coarctation of the aorta, pheochromocytoma, pregnancy (pre/eclampsia), and certain thyroid conditions are seen in roughly 5% of high blood pressure cases and usually are found when a patient is in his/her 20’s.
Patients in the mild range normally respond well to dietary and exercise modifications that can be discussed with the Chiropractor. These include reducing or eliminating caloric intake of saturated fats, processed food, white flour, added sugar, alcohol and salt, and increasing intake of foods that contain folic acid such as broccoli, asparagus and spinach, and calcium and increasing exercise both aerobically and using weights roughly 45-60 minutes a day 3-4 times a week.
Patients in the moderate to severe blood pressure range typically require some form of prescription intervention and are highly recommended to be co-managed by both a primary care physician alongside Chiropractic care.
Contact your Eugene Chiropractic team today for more information!
Commonly, genetics is a major player in those individuals between the ages of 20-55 years of age. Secondary causes such as estrogen use, renal disease, Cushing’s disease, coarctation of the aorta, pheochromocytoma, pregnancy (pre/eclampsia), and certain thyroid conditions are seen in roughly 5% of high blood pressure cases and usually are found when a patient is in his/her 20’s.
Patients in the mild range normally respond well to dietary and exercise modifications that can be discussed with the Chiropractor. These include reducing or eliminating caloric intake of saturated fats, processed food, white flour, added sugar, alcohol and salt, and increasing intake of foods that contain folic acid such as broccoli, asparagus and spinach, and calcium and increasing exercise both aerobically and using weights roughly 45-60 minutes a day 3-4 times a week.
Patients in the moderate to severe blood pressure range typically require some form of prescription intervention and are highly recommended to be co-managed by both a primary care physician alongside Chiropractic care.
Contact your Eugene Chiropractic team today for more information!