chronic soft tissue adhesions
Soft tissue injury can be caused by significant traumas, as well as, micro-trauma. Micro-traumas can occur with repetitive motion of particular muscles and/or chronic postural dysfunction. In most of our environments, daily demands (such as computer and cell phone use) can create long-term muscle issues that can progressively get worse over time.
Chronic soft tissue adhesion can present as neck pain, shoulder pain, unexplained headaches, pain or numbness into arms and hands, limited range of motion in neck, muscle pain and joint pain.
Chiropractic treatment for chronic soft tissue adhesions can include heat, stretching, Graston Technique and manual manipulation. Depending on severity of the muscle adhesions, symptoms can reduce in just a few treatments. After symptoms decrease, activity modification is helpful in preventing further symptoms.
Contact your Eugene Chiropractic team today for more information!